Get Involved !!!!

A Big Thank You to All our Past and Present Volunteers!
The Regina Optimist Baseball Association and Baseball Park, could not operate without your continued commitment, support and hard work! 
Want to Get Involved ?
Want to Become a Volunteer ?
Here's How: 
Contact Information, here > Contact Information

Please Scroll down to see some of the volunteering positions that may interest you, and then fill out a Volunteer Application Form at the bottom of this page!


Volunteer Postions Required


- selling tournament tickets on site
- selling 50/50 draws on site
- helping with cleaning and maintenance of the park/field/office on site
- helping raise funds for the park
- scorekeeping
- pointstreak for tournaments
- coaching
- selling tournament memrobilia
- helping with security for the park
- helping organize events, tournaments, games
- answering questions from fans
- setting up tables chairs/other when required
- helping promote the park and organization
- helping type and set up required documents
- helping bring in new ideas and with feedback for the park and organization
- taking digital pictures at tournament games
Volunteer Application Form, Please Click > Here


Regina Optimist Baseball Association, Park & Website