Voluntary Baseball Injury Survey and Information for Players/Parents/Coaches

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Voluntary Baseball Injury Survey and Information for Players/Parents/Coaches

From Baseball Sask:

Further to the message sent out yesterday, please find the correct links to the survey. This is 100% optional for anyone to participate in. Dear Parents and Players, We are pleased to present you with an opportunity to contribute toward a significant baseball research initiative. Our intentions are solely academic and you will not be solicited for any sales or products. Your participation is completely voluntary. Below you will find our research video, parent/caregiver-survey, and player-survey links, which can also be accessed through our website: https://www.baseballipi.org/ Your responses are important to us. They will assist us in creating new strategies to reduce future injury in the sport of baseball. The first section in both surveys discusses potential risks and asks for informed consent prior to your voluntary participation. Note that the player survey also asks for consent of the parent/caregiver for participants under 18 years of age. Please email any questions you have before completing the survey.

Parents'/Caregivers' Survey Link: https://forms.gle/DFv6VFFHcy6gwBLEA

Players' Survey Link: https://forms.gle/xPWcy3twQXu1oTSP9

Baseball Injury Prevention Initiative Video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9geJmXnzy4


Adam Balan Baseball Injury Prevention Initiative [email protected]

1-905-391-3032  33 Mill St. #2704 Toronto, ON, Canada M5A 3R3





From Baseball Sask:

Please find below a request from a former Team Sask Player who is working on his university research study. If you have a few minutes to take the survey he would truly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

My name is Adam Balan and I'm seeking your assistance with an injury research study. I feel a strong kinship to Baseball Sask after playing three seasons for the Weyburn Beavers in the WCBL and representing Team Sask in the 2005 Canadian Junior Nationals in Windsor, Ontario. I've included my research partner Ryan Crotin, former Director of Performance Integration with the Los Angeles Angels. Currently, we have about 200 responses to our injury-research survey (10-15 minutes to complete). We really need support from baseball organizations to spread the message and drive up our study population.

With 50% of all baseball players being sidelined due to an injury per year, we are investigating attitudes, behaviors and practices associated with parents and players in relation to injury prevention in baseball. We aim to significantly lessen injuries in North America through disseminating results, as a 50% measure translates to over 8 million injuries per year.Quite staggering.

It would be outstanding if you could disseminate our survey to the parents and players of Baseball Sask. We have a short recruitment email with survey links that can be forwarded to parents and players (I have not sent that email yet). We will also showcase Baseball Sask on our website as a supporter of this work. Please see our website for more information: https://www.baseballipi.org/ I hope you can watch the video below. Ryan and I are happy to connect by Zoom or phone if you have questions or if you wish to learn more. We really appreciate your time and we hope to hear back from you.
