Latest Park/Tournament News, as of May 28 2019

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Latest Park/Tournament News, as of May 28 2019

Latest Park/Tournament News, as of May 28 2019



> Park is open, Canteen is open, Field is up and running! Games are being played

> Schedules for games at Park for the season will be up and running by next week

> Blue Jays Training Camp July 8 and 9, for information/registratoin, click > Here

> 2019 Baseball Canada Cup August 7-11, Online Tickets, Click > Here

> 2019 Baseball Canada Cup August 7-11, 50/50 Progressive Tickets will be available at Park next week. If all tickets sold, Grand Prize $17 000.00

> 2019 Baseball Canada Cup August 7-11, All Tournament Information, Click > Here (check back as further information will be added when finalized)

Further News Coming Shortly

Regina Optimist Baseball Association/Park/Junior League/Web Site 2019

