A Few Rule Reminders................................

Posted in News

A Few Rule Reminders................................

> No one is allowed on the Baseball Field except players/coaches/umpires/park staff, and been registered with Baseball Sask. 

> Parents/Friends/Relatives are NOT allowed on the field, unless they have registered with Baseball Sask and have been designated as a player, coach, umpire, park staff member. These are the rules of Baseball Sask, and the rules of the Park. Those breaking these rules will be immediately asked to leave the park.          Note: sitting in the dug outs is classified as being on the field.

> Covid Release forms have to be signed by all players/coaches/staff/umpires/board members. This is a requirement of Baseball Sask.

> Kids playing under the Baseball Stands is not allowed.

> Alcohol is not allowed in the Park.

> Smoking is not allowed in the Park...please at the least, go to the parking lot.

> Further Rules/Reminders, please click > Here

 Questions/Concerns: reginaoptimistbaseball@gmail.com

 Regina Optimist Baseball Association/Park/Jr League
