2020 Regina Optimist Baseball Junior League Schedule

2020 Regina Optimist Baseball Junior League Schedule
See schedule below (subject to change due to weather/other scheduling concerns)
Note: The Regina Optimist Baseball Junior League has only 3 Regina Teams this year: Pirates/Reds/Angels. As such, these Junior Teams (for this year 2020) have become 'part of' the Qu'appelle Valley Senior Baseball League, in order to facilitate more baseball game playing.
Here is the July and Aug Schedule for games (include games for Senior and Midget Baseball) at the Regina Optimist Park for Pirates/Reds/Angels games.
.... here are the details of the games at the park on Sunday August 30
1; The Qu ApelleValley game that was scheduled for 7:00PM will not be played . It was a 3rd game in a best od 3 series that will not be needed now.
.2. The teams that that will be playing in the Optimist U21 league final are as follows
Game 1 @ 1:00PM Reds @ Pirates
2 @ 4:00 Pm Winner of game 1 @ Angels
Tuesday Aug 25-
2 Junior games at 6:15 and 8:45
Wednesday Aug. 26
7:30 PM Weyburn Iron Pigs @ Regina Trappers @ 7:30 PM
Thursday Aug. 27
2 Junior Games at 6:15 and 8:45
Friday Aug. 28 and Sat. Aug 29
no games
Sunday Aug. 30
2 Junior Games at 1:00PM and 4 :00 Pm
QU Appelle Valley game
Iron Pigs @ Trappers ( this would be the 3rd game of a best of three series, it will be confirmed by Friday)
Monday Aug. 31
8:00 Pm Qu Appelle Valley game A’s @ Blue Jays ( as above this will be the 3rd game of a best of three series will be confirmed by Saturday)
The Qu Appelle Valley league playoffs will continue until Sept6 . The teams are going thru the first round , we will know if there are more games to be played at the Park by Sunday.
July 21 Cubs @ Angels 6:30
22 Padres @ Trappers 7:00
23 Jr, Pirates 2 Jr. Reds 6:30
24 --------
25 -------
26 Angels @ Jr. Pirates 11:00 A M
Blue Jays @ Jr. Reds 2:00 PM
Weyburn @ Ghosts 5:00PM
27 As @ Braves 6:30
28 Reds @ Angels 6:30
29 Wolfpack @ Parkland 6:00
Dodgers @ Trappers 8:45
30 Pirates @ Angels 6:30
Capitals @ Trappers 8:45
31 --------
Date Teams Time
Aug. 3 Bucs @ Red Dogs 6:30
4 Indians @ angels 6:30
5 Moose Jaw @ Regina A’s 6:15
Iron Pigs @ Dodgers 8:45
6 Angels @ Reds 6:30
7 Athletics @ White Sox 6:00
A’s @ Bucs 8:45
8 -------
9 Braves @ Angels 5:00
10 Red Dogs @ A’s 6:30
11 Bucs @ Pirates (JR) 6:00
Trappers @ Pirates (jr) 8:30
12 Ghosts @ Dodgers 6:30
13 A’s @ Reds 6:00
Caps @ JR Pirates 8:30
14 Windthorst @ Angels 6:30
15 Swift Current @ Wolfpack 3:00 and 5:30
16 Red Dogs @ Jr Reds 1:00
Ghosts @ Jr Pirates 3:30
Iron Pigs @ Trappers 6:15
17 Bucs @ A’s 6:15
Padres @ Ghosts 8:45
18 Pirates @ Angels 6:15
19 -------------------
20 Reds @ Pirates 6:15
Regina Optimist Baseball Associaition/Park 2020